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Everyday cooking

Baby Potato Pizza Skewers

Perfect for summer season, these baby potato pizza skewers make the most delicious vegan side dish. Take your cooking skills to the next level!

  • prep timeCooking time15 minutes
  • preparation timePrep time30 minutes
  • servingsServings4 portions
recipe image Baby Potato Pizza Skewers
  • 200 g Violife mozzarella flavour grated
  • 180 g Violife tex-mex flavour grated
  • 1 kg baby potatoes
  • 80 g marinara sauce
  • a pinch of salt
  • a pinch of pepper
  • fresh parsley to serve
  1. Preheat the oven at 200°C.
  2. In a large pot, bring salted water to a boil and parboil the potatoes until fork tender.
  3. Place in a lined baking tray and thread onto wooden skewers.
  4. Smash each potato until a little flatter and add some salt and fresh pepper.
  5. Brush with marinara sauce, sprinkle with Violife Mozzarella flavour and Tex-Mex flavour grated. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 200°C.
  6. Garnish with some chopped parsley leaves and serve!