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Pasta Cremosa Vegana

  • Hora de cocinarHora de cocinar5 minutos
  • Tiempo de PreparacióTiempo de Preparació20 minutos
  • PorcionesPorciones4
plato principal
recipe image Pasta Cremosa Vegana
  • 1 paquete de Violife Tipo Crema Original
  • 500 g de Fetuccini
  • 10 tomates cherry, cortados por la mitad
  • 1 diente de ajo cortado en rodajas
  • 100 ml de caldo de verduras
  • Albahaca fresca y tomillo
  • aceite de oliva
  • sal pimienta
  1. Sauté the cherry tomatoes with a bit of olive oil in a pan. Once they become soft, add garlic, fresh basil and thyme.
  2. Stir for 1-2 minutes, add salt and pepper, and remove pan from the heat.
  3. In a small pot add the vegetable stock and Violife Creamy Original. Cook in low heat, while stirring continuously, until the Violife has become a smooth cream.
  4. Bring a large pot of salted water to boil. Cook linguini according to the package instructions.
  5. Once linguini is prepared, drain the pasta and add a bit of olive oil, the cherry tomatoes and the cream. Stir until the cream has spread evenly among the pasta and serve immediately, adding fresh basil and thyme on top.